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Discover How EyeQuant Enhances Your Role

EQ for Design

– Enhanced Competitiveness 

– Design Optimisation

– Comprehensive Design Insights

– Maximise UX Impact


EQ for CRO & Content

– Gain Holistic Data Insights

– Drive Data-Driven Design Decisions

– Validate Data and Back Your Decisions

– Showcase Quantifiable ROI


CRO & Content

EQ for Data & Insights

Elevate Performance

– Amplify Design Impact

– Strengthen Strategy Decision

– Showcase Quantifiable ROI

Data & Insights

EQ for Key Stakeholders

– Unlock Strategic Alignment

– Drive Smart Integration

–  Compelling Narratives

– Maximise Stakeholder Engagement

Key Stakeholders
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The EyeQuant Effect

Supported by gold-standard research

For insight that puts you ten steps ahead of competitors, our advanced eye-tracking research creates predictive algorithmic insight into how to capture customer attention.

Cut through the noise

Reach oversaturated consumers by using our analysis to craft, compare and contrast attention-grabbing designs.

Instant feedback

No more wasting hours, days or even weeks conducting focus groups, surveys or questionnaires. Discover how clear, exciting and compelling your design is in just one click.

Speed up sign-offs

Everyone has an opinion but now you have the data to back it up. EyeQuant provides quantifiable metrics that show which designs will deliver the biggest impact.

Cost effective

Faster, more accurate and less expensive than traditional user testing methods

Pure ease and simplicity

Get straight to work today. There’s no integration, no code implementation or compatibility issues. Oh, and because of this we’re fully GDPR compliant.

Discover More

EyeQuant’s patented technology was built by leading neuro and data scientists to help UX, marketing and product teams make smarter design decisions.

Our platform combines advanced neuroscientific research, artificial intelligence and neural network modeling to simulate how users will react to your design work. Clients around the world use EyeQuant to optimize conversion for websites, apps, email campaigns, display ads, print and more.

How it works


The eyes alone convey more than a hundred billion signals to the brain every second — that’s a huge amount of information to process and understand.

Our proprietary AI

Inspired by biology, we’ve built artificial neural networks (ANN) to predict how users will perceive a design in the first three to five seconds of viewing.


EyeQuant’s game-changing technology gives instant insight into how users will engage with any design, on any device, before you go live.

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Don't Just Take Our Word For It

“By using EyeQuant with our clients, we can demonstrate our decision making concisely and objectively, cutting down on the need for multiple rounds of discussion and feedback. EyeQuant really is an essential tool in our tool box.”

Jonny Longden

Conversion Director

“Since EyeQuant is based on a huge data pool and simulates the course of the gaze, it is possible to carry out the analysis without implementing tracking codes. We can also check design mockups, which is a great advantage for our work. The accuracy of the simulated gaze is very impressive.”

Hellen Pitikaris

Head of Conversion Rate‑Optimierung & UX

“We use EyeQuant to analyse our analytics dashboards, it helps us quantify the impact our design changes have on user attention. We share the Clarity Scores with our agencies and other departments to communicate how the colour, contrast, branded elements and layout can all negatively affect the visualisation of data.”

Fiona Gordan

Global Director BI Strategy

“I like EyeQuant a lot because it’s so fast. It’s a scalable approach to UX. I can get insights in seconds that help me define a test hypothesis, without any tracking code on the website.”

Nicolás Celedón

Conversion Specialist

“At Canon, we use EyeQuant to refine our designs and to ensure the most important design elements get the maximum exposure and the best readability. It’s like spell check, but for designs.”

Fabien Caublot

Conversion Specialist

“With EyeQuant, we’re able to bring data into the heart of our design phase, making sure we hit our goals for both iterative and unique designs.”

Nick Frame

Lead UX/UI Designer

“What used to take dedicated lab equipment and dozens of testers (and therefore cost thousands of dollars and take weeks), can now be done in a few seconds and for a few dollars thanks to EyeQuant.”

Pascal Briod

Head of Product & Co-Founder

“This is a must-have for every user experience designer. We use EyeQuant for expert reviews, prototyping and of course a whiteboard when it comes to ideation.”

Judith Heinen

Creative Director, User Experience

“With EyeQuant, we are able to quickly improve our designs by easily testing and iterating. The results give us quantifiable data we can act upon.”

Ross Higgins

Global Director of UX and Design

“EyeQuant is the essential tool our team uses when we’re validating new website designs. It gives us the data confidence that the ‘what, why and the where’ are always visible, crucial for a great user experience and increased conversion rate.”

Pekka Kantola

Web Manager

“This tool gives our team the ability to ‘test before testing’ our website designs. Not only does this benefit us from a testing, UX, and design perspective, but it also answers questions and quickly resolves debates in our department.”

Jonathan Bunio

Web Optimization Analyst

“We have been using EyeQuant for a number of years now and have seen real benefits for our own business and our clients. It enables us to identify opportunities for improvement in existing websites and new concept designs, bringing objective data into the creative process and delivering fantastic results!”

Tom Greenwood

Managing Director

We utilize this tool with all clients we currently run CRO engagements with. Clients really loves how on-the-fly we can produce quick assessments of pages they are in the process of designing.

Kendall Giglio

Director of Conversion Rate Optimization

EyeQuant is very easy to use, explain, and understand. My recommendations have more impact when I integrate the eye-tracking simulations into my analyses.

Ehow Chen

VP of Customer Insights and Digital Analytics

With EyeQuant, we are able to quickly improve our designs by easily testing and iterating. The results give us quantifiable data we can act upon.

Ross Higgins

Global Director of UX and Design

Groupon increases sign-ups by 52%

Discover how Groupon used EyeQuant to learn that the value proposition and call to action buttons on key landing pages were being overpowered by imagery, and not being seen in the first 3 seconds. The design improvements made by the team after seeing the visual simulations led to impressive conversion results.   

52% Increase in online bookings
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Let's Talk

To learn how EyeQuant could improve your design process and increase conversion rates, book some time with one of our specialists.